Sektör Analizi

CBDC Kripto İçin Ne Anlama Geliyor?
CBDC'ler (merkez bankası dijital para birimleri), hükümetlerin fiat parayı iyileştirmenin bir yolu olarak artan sayıda insan tarafından konuşuluyor. Peki bu gelişme kripto yatırımcıları için ne anlama geliyor?

The Merge. Ethereum: What to Expect?
Ethereum is about to undergo a major hard fork, known as ‘The merge’; it represents the culmination of Ethereum’s plan to transition from proof of work to proof of stake. Not without controversy within the crypto community, this change nevertheless will be, one way or another, the biggest event in crypto this year. In this article we will tell you what you need to know in order to prepare.

A Beginners Experience with Grid Trading
Last week I decided to try grid trading on FAMEEX for the first time. In this article I’ll walk you through what I did, and how I would do it differently next time so you can learn from my mistakes